1 One of phones tapped was in apartment of former stripper Ann Corio, who could think of no reason why tappers should be interested. To follow a tap's progress go on with drawing at right.

2 Tapping method believed used is shown in drawing. In the telephone exchange panels, terminal points of tapped phones were connected by feed lines (in red) to wires leading to listening post. Telephone men Walter Asmann (above, left) and Carl Ruh, who worked in the exchange, are accused of tapping.

3 To connect telephone exchange building (foreground) on East 56th Street with listening post on fourth floor of East 55th Street apartment house (background) the tappers used spare wires in phone company's underground cable system. But near the apartment, they ran wires from the cable up side of building.

4 Apartment where equipment was found was rented by Warren B. Shannon, an electrician, shown with his wife. The equipment was housed in a small closet and covered by a Venetian blind, as depicted by artist. Monitor listened to conversations to see whether they were worth getting down on tape recorder.